1933 Goudey Baseball Card Set Guide

Set Description

The 1933 Goudey set (also noted as R319 by the American Card Catalog) is especially important since it was the first issue which included a stick of gum with every pack of cards. This paved the way for Bowman and Topps to follow their marketing path. The set includes 240 cards (239 in 1933 and 1 in 1934; this will be discussed more later), each measuring 2-3/8" by 2-7/8". The size may appear small by the Topps and Bowman's standards, but this was actually larger than most of the time. The majority contain a banner at the bottom stating " Big League Chewing Gum". Each card front contains a dramatic pose of the player and a pop of bright color in the background. The backs of the card state the players name, team, card number, and a brief description of their accolades (all in green font). This set immensely popular because of the star power included. In fact, over 25% of the cards in the set are Hall of Famers. Included within 1933 Goudey are Babe Ruth (4 cards), Lou Gehrig (2 cards), Mel Ott (2 cards), Jimmie Foxx (2 cards), and Rogers Hornsby (2 cards), just to name a few. Another interesting card is Napoleon Lajoie (#106). Goudey decided not to print this card in 1933, a marketing ploy so kids would buy more packs. After many letters were written by upset parents, Goudey decided to release the card in 1934 to anyone who requested it.
Set Information
Manufacturer: Goudey
Year: 1933
Cards in Set: 239
Card Size: 2-3/8" x 2-7/8"
Series 1: 1-240
For common cards #1-40 are scarer and more valuable than #41-240
Card #106, Napoleon Lajoie, was withheld from printing to encourage kids to purchase more packs. After many parents complained, Goudey printed the missing card in 1934 and mailed it out to anyone requesting Lajoie. It is extremely valuable in any condition
Errors and Variations
No significant errors/variations
Key Rookie Cards
Key Cards/Hall of Famers
Benny Bengough (#1)
Jimmie Foxx (#29)
Babe Ruth (#53)
Lou Gehrig (#92)
Napoleon Lajoie (#106)
Rogers Hornsby (#119)
Mel Ott (#127)
Babe Ruth (#144)
Babe Ruth (#149)
Jimmie Foxx (#154)
Moe Berg (#158)
Lou Gehrig (#160)
Babe Ruth (#181)
Rogers Hornsby (#188)
Mel Ott (#207)
Hack Wilson (#211)
Lefty Grove (#220)
Charlie Gehringer (#222)
Dizzy Dean (#223)
Carl Hubbell (#230)
Carl Hubbell (#234)